It’s that time of year again, where we gather with friends and loved ones and reflect on all that we’re grateful for. Millions of Americans will travel this week to visit loved ones and feast together for Thanksgiving, but millions of other Americans will also be struggling without homes or food. In the spirit of helping others, Americans celebrate “Giving Tuesday” every Tuesday before Thanksgiving to share the love with those less fortunate than us.
There are so many worthy charities to lend a hand to this time of year, but here are several local ones you can find not too far from your RESA apartment here in Washington D.C.
Communities in School – Incorporated in 2004, Communities In Schools of the Nation’s Capital (CIS) is the local affiliate of the nation’s largest dropout prevention program which has been successfully helping young people stay in school and transition to adulthood since 1977. This national organization places a dedicated staff member inside partner schools to identify students at risk of dropping out – they then engage community partners and volunteers to effectively and efficiently address both the academic and human service needs of students. The result is improved attendance, behavior, academic performance, retention rates and graduation rates. One in four of Washington D.C.’s children live in poverty. By donating to this organization, you can help a child complete their education and end the cycle of poverty in our city.
Shepherd’s Table – Dedicated to solving the issues of hunger and homelessness in our community, Shepherd’s Table has been helping those in need in Maryland and Washington D.C. since 1983. What started as a small soup kitchen hosted by 15 different religious institutions is now a major operation with expanded food services that include breakfast and lunch from Monday-Friday, with dinner served every night, and weekend brunches. You can donate to their cause through their website.
Communities in School
1023 31st Street, NW
Suite 510
Washington, DC 20007
Shepherd’s Table
8106 Georgia Ave
Silver Spring, MD 20910